Evaluating EFDC+ Test Results
Automated testing systems are crucial in software development…
Automated testing systems are crucial in software development…
Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code Plus (EFDC+) is the DSI version of the EFDC that supersedes the version….
To support the scientific community, DSI offers an open-source version of EFDC+. This refers to the EFDC+8.5….
BACK JSON Formatted Files in EEMS JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an increasingly common standard data format to store and transmit data objects that use text designed to be easily read by humans. JSON serves as a syntax for serializing objects, arrays, numbers, strings, booleans, and null. Although it is based upon JavaScript syntax, it…
With so many new computer languages available today, a question often asked is, “Why is EFDC+ coded in Fortran language?”
The MPI implementation in EFDC+ offers a significant improvement in run time compared to the OMP versions of EFDC+.
The Dynamic Solutions International (DSI) version of EFDC is called EFDC+ (formerly EFDC_DSI). EFDC+ is one of the most used versions of the EFDC model available to the scientific and….
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