Stable Release Setup Package
Release notes
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EFDC+ Explorer 11.8.3
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed issue with “Auto generate Calibration plots & Statistics” at end of run caused by missing button in “Run EFDC+” form.
Edge Release Setup Package
Release notes
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EFDC+ Release Notes
- COARE 3.6 Integration: COARE is one of the most frequently used algorithms in the air-sea interaction community to predict surface temperatures. It is designed to give estimates of the turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat and the stress from measurements of bulk variables such as water temperature, air pressure, and specific humidity. With the release of EEMS 12.1, the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code Plus (EFDC+) will allow users to simulate these fluxes by incorporating the COARE subroutines. You can learn more about the implementation of this feature in our introductory blog post. In this more recent blog post, we have also demonstrated that the algorithm can be applied in freshwater bodies such as Lake Mendota.
- Vertical Layering Enhancements: A new vertical layering option following the Sigma-Zed (SGZ) approach has recently been added to EEMS. The new SGZ scheme allows the user to specify layer thickness in meters from the water surface. Itoffers significant flexibility in configuring the vertical layering system, complementing the existing options, including the original Sigma Stretch (SIG) and the current Sigma-Zed (SGZ). Learn more about these changes by reviewing this blog post or reading the Knowledge Base.
- Volatilization Option: When simulating chemical fate and transport, volatile chemicals at the air-water interface frequently off-gas from the water into the atmosphere. The Chemical Fate module in EEMS is designed to work primarily in conjunction with the Sediment module, as the toxic substances sorb to sediments. In cases where sediment data is sparse or missing altogether, using a dye class as a proxy for the dissolved chemicals is recommended. To help users more accurately simulate this case, a volatilization component has been added to the dye proxy. To learn more, read this blog post or the EFDC+ Theory Document.
- 3 Time Level Scheme Updates: A number of improvements have been made to the 3 Time Level (3TL) computational scheme. This numerical solution option is often more stable and faster than the 2 Time Level (2TL) scheme since it allows a larger computational time step. However, the 3TL scheme was not fully implemented in the original EFDC from Hamrick. DSI has refactored the code for the application of parallel computing using OMP-MPI. DSI has also fixed several bugs in the code so that 3TL has now become our favored solution option for hydrodynamic models.
- NetCDF Updates: EFDC+ has recently been integrated into studies as part of the Delft-Flood forecasting and Early Warning System (FEWS) platform. Delft-FEWS is open software using a modular framework to link big data to a local area or from other modeling systems. In this study, EFDC+ was required as one of the modules, and the NetCDF capabilities were required to be updated to the latest convention to allow seamless integration. Some of the improvements for EEMS 12.1 include:
• Upgraded NetCDF CF Conventions 1.4 to 1.11
• Upgraded to UGRID 1.0 Conventions
• Fixed standard names and units according to NetCDF CF Conventions 1.8 checker
EFDC+ Explorer Release Notes
- Upgraded .NET Framework 4.8 to .NET 7, and GLControl from 3.1 to 4.8
- Used NetTopologySuite for shapefiles
- Replaced the deprecated controls such as DirListBox, FileListBox, DataGrid, MenuItem, and ContextMenu with new controls
- Replaced some deprecated functions
- Updated license control for Activation forms
- Updated Auth0 for the Demo version
- Addressed AVI and MP4 issues when generating animation
- Improvements
- Added a feature to refine a grid using an adjacent grid
- Aligned WQ abbreviations and descriptions for 2DH, TimeSeries, LP, VP, and calibration
- Added “Include Ice Option” to 2DH, TS, LP, VP, 2DV when displaying Water Depth and Water Elevation
- Added DriveHelper for enumerating drives quicker and more reliably
- Improved DB rest client stability for analytics
- Updated GUI for rearrangement of temperature options with COARE 3.6 algorithm
- Added minimum fraction of solar radiation absorbed to IASWRAD = 3
- Updated ice thickness
- Rearranged the Ice module in the Model Control form
- Added context to help track sentry errors
- Updated mass balance
- Remember the last Longitudinal Profile and 2DV data extraction settings
- Added additional validation checks
- Improved clarity of warning messages and various interface elements
- Added format setting in statistic reports
- Added options in the GUI for plotting 2DV and LP from selected cells. Users can now plot 2DV using either cells selected from the 2DH window or cells entered in the data grid view of.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed multiple issues with the Download Online Data feature.
- Require setting projection when importing native Grid+ file
- Fixed issue when reading the projection from the shapefile
- Fixed cell rotation issue when importing a grid (.gpc) file
- Corrected dx/dy values when importing a geographic grid
- Automatically switch back to “Full Extents” display after assigning a vertical layer
- Corrected display issues with dotted line style selection in 2DH
- Fixed error in Legend Value Ranges for Sediment Bed Thickness in 2DH
- Resolved legend and cell information issues when selecting multiple cells
- Fixed LPT layer name issue in 2DH
- Resolved Zoom Out issue in 2DH
- Ensure 2DH view correctly reads AQEA bed thickness
- Fixed several issues associated with WebView2
- Fixed multiple unhandled system exceptions
- Resolved issue with duplicate keys in historical models
- Fixed clone series issue for data series
- Addressed lack of support for transforming between the two specified coordinate systems
- Interpolation issue in Vertical Profile
- Index out of range issue when editing layer
- Changed value of KGE, Rsquare, and R in the overall statistics
- Missing Dye layer name in Longitudinal Profile
- Fixed multiple issues with Layouts.
- Fixed High-Frequency Auto Generate issue
- Corrected data export issue in auto-generate VP
- Updated units of Biota in writing calibration series export
- Corrected fixed depth and elevation writing for calibration
- Updated format number in report for small values
- Axis Type Click Event for multiple selected data series in time series (TS)
- Issue setting calendar date for calibration TS
- Added Inflow, Outflow, Net Flow in reports, and update Flow in BC.Out
- Interface issues for the Chemical Fate and Transport module
- Wrong layering order in vertical profile plotting when updating Sediment Bed Layering Approaches
- Corrected missing phytoplankton unit in VP calibration
- Mask layer issue in 2DV
- Fixed biota growth factor for temperature 2DV plot
- Fixed crashes due to null reference errors
- Fixed crash when model is running in TS calibration
- Fixed crash when applying profile setting
- Fixed crash when selecting Regular Points of Velocity
- Fixed crash when setting up Rating table/flow lookup table
- Fixed crash when dividing the SGZ layering ) Issue when setting Ice initial conditions
- Improved compatibility with high resolution displays.
- Improved and fixed issue 3D Clipping by value with smooth field option
- Fixed label layer issue in 3D View
- Getting cell information in 3D View
- Update size and file path for 3D export graphic
- Issue when loading GVC legacy model
- Issue with GetDpiForMonitor in DLL “Shcore.dll”
- Fixed vertical layers in Model Grid issue with polygon option
- Fixed issue KC change when using polygon option does not work correctly
- Automatically assign to None an assigned hydraulic structure boundary
- Data Series name update issue during import
- Bedload issue where the minimum porosity was assigned the wrong variable
- Zero values when exporting KML from the grid
- Sigma Z layering with a legacy model
- Cyclone icon size and symbol drawing for track point
- Converting atmospheric evaporation units from m/s to mm/day
- WQ Zone values when changing the number of layers
- Resize the WQ Zone array after changing the grid layers
- Error reading bathymetry IC
- Updated name for Sediment Diagenesis
- “Average Concentration” precision issue in the Dye Module
- User-defined wind drag issue in C14D
- Time changes issue in EFDC+ Run Options not updating on the main form
- Incorrect calculation of the number of layers when importing the ground water series
- Unit conversion for TS rainfall and evaporation issue
- Issue opening PDF files
- Rainfall and Evaporation Mass Balance Issue
- Viewing issues for Biota: Metabolism Temp. Effect and Biota: Predation Temp. Effect
- Cell Map MPI subdomains not displayed
- Depth of Grid updated by restart option issue
- Updated hot starts with GOTM
- Exporting grid cells to KML file issue
- High frequency snapshots with BedTop issue
- Legacy restart.inp issue with TBX, TSX
Grid+ Release Notes
- Squeeze the grid by removing inactive grid nodes
- Refine the grid based on guide points from an adjacent grid
Bug Fixes
- Issues when generating Rectangular grid and Radial grid
- Corrected location issue when importing *.gpc grid
- Resolved missing triangular grid cells
Tools - EEMS-BASINS Plugin 1.6
This EEMS plugin for BASINS exports a BASINS model and creates a grid and hydrodynamic model in EEMS. The download includes a pdf file with instructions for installation and use. Learn more on the landing page and this video demonstrates the steps required to build a watershed model in BASINS with Lake Mendota.
Technical Papers
Previous Releases
- EEMS 11.7 Setup Package x64 – Edge
- EEMS 11.6 Setup Package x64 – Edge
- EEMS 11.5.2 Setup Package x64 – Edge
- EEMS 11.4 Setup Package x64 – Edge
- EEMS 11.3 Setup Package x64 – Edge
- EEMS10.3.9 Setup Package x64
- EEMS10.3.8 Setup Package x64
- EEMS10.3.7 Setup Package x64
- EEMS10.2.4 Setup Package x64
- EEMS10.1.5 Setup Package x64
- EEMS10.0 Setup Package x64
- EEMS8.4 Setup Package x64
- EEMS8.3 Setup Package x64
Understanding EEMS Version Numbers
DSI now provides a stable and an edge release version of EEMS. We will provide only GUI bug fixes to the stable version and not add any new features, or make changes to the computational engine.
Edge release will include minor enhancements, features, and fixes to both the GUI and computational engine (EFDC+).
The naming system works in such a way that the second number, 10.x.0 represents, at minimum, a change to EFDC+, and the third number 10.3.x represents a fix to EE.
Details of all of the improvements for EFDC+ Explorer and EFDC+ can be found in these links.